Soal Ujian Sertifikasi Microsoft Office

Posted on by  admin
  • February 28, 2013
  • English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese Brazillian, Russian, Vietnamese
  • Information workers
  • Microsoft Office 2013 suites
  • MOS

Word 2013

  • Microsoft Office Specialist exams are provided by a third-party vendor. Register for an exam at Certiport's website.

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam. View video tutorials about the variety of question types on Microsoft exams. Heroes lore zero.

Please note that the questions may test on, but will not be limited to, the topics described in the bulleted text.

Do you have feedback about the relevance of the skills measured on this exam? Please send Microsoft your comments. All feedback will be reviewed and incorporated as appropriate while still maintaining the validity and reliability of the certification process. Note that Microsoft will not respond directly to your feedback. We appreciate your input in ensuring the quality of the Microsoft Certification program.

If you have concerns about specific questions on this exam, please submit an exam challenge.

If you have other questions or feedback about Microsoft Certification exams or about the certification program, registration, or promotions, please contact your Regional Service Center.

Create and manage documents
  • Create a document
    • Creating new blank documents, creating new documents using templates, importing files, opening non-native files directly in Word, opening a PDF in Word for editing
  • Navigate through a document
    • Searching for text within document, inserting hyperlinks, creating bookmarks, using Go To
  • Format a document
    • Modifying page setup, changing document themes, changing document style sets, inserting simple headers and footers, inserting watermarks, inserting page numbers
  • Customize options and views for documents
    • Changing document views, using zoom, customizing the quick access toolbar, customizing the ribbon, splitting the window, adding values to document properties, using show/hide, recording simple macros, assigning shortcut keys, managing macro security
  • Configure documents to print or save
    • Configuring documents to print, saving documents in alternate file formats, printing document sections, saving files to remote locations, protecting documents with passwords, setting print scaling, maintaining backward compatibility

Preparation resources

Format text, paragraphs, and sections
  • Insert text and paragraphs
    • Appending text to documents, finding and replacing text, copying and pasting text, inserting text via AutoCorrect, removing blank paragraphs, inserting built-in fields, inserting special characters
  • Format text and paragraphs
    • Changing font attributes, using find and replace to format text, using format painter, setting paragraph spacing, setting line spacing, clearing existing formatting, setting indentation, highlighting text selections, adding styles to text, changing text to WordArt, modifying existing style attributes
  • Order and group text and paragraphs
    • Preventing paragraph orphans, inserting breaks to create sections, creating multiple columns within sections, adding titles to sections, forcing page breaks

Preparation resources

Create tables and lists
  • Create a table
    • Converting text to tables, converting tables to text, defining table dimensions, setting AutoFit options, using quick tables, establishing titles
  • Modify a table
    • Applying styles to tables, modifying fonts within tables, sorting table data, configuring cell margins, using formulas, modifying table dimensions, merging cells
  • Create and modify a list
    • Adding numbering or bullets, creating custom bullets, modifying list indentation, modifying line spacing, increasing and decreasing list levels, modifying numbering

Preparation resources

Apply references
  • Create endnotes, footnotes, and citations
    • Inserting endnotes, managing footnote locations, configuring endnote formats, modifying footnote numbering, inserting citation placeholders, inserting citations, inserting bibliography, changing citation styles
  • Create captions
    • Inserting endnotes, managing footnote locations, configuring endnote formats, modifying footnote numbering, inserting citation placeholders, inserting citations, inserting bibliography, changing citation styles

Preparation resources

Insert and format objects
  • Insert and format building blocks
    • Inserting quick parts, inserting textboxes, utilizing building locks organizer, customizing building blocks
  • Insert and format shapes and SmartArt
    • Inserting simple shapes, inserting SmartArt, modifying SmartArt properties (color, size, shape), wrapping text around shapes, positioning shapes
  • Insert and format images
    • Inserting images, applying artistic effects, applying picture effects, modifying image properties (color, size, shape), adding uick styles to images, wrapping text around images, positioning images

Preparation resources


MOS 2013 Study Guide for Microsoft Word
Published: July 2013

Demonstrate your expertise with Word. Designed to help you practice and prepare for the 2013 Word Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam, this all-in-one study guide features full and objective-by-objective exam coverage, along with easy-to-follow procedures and illustrations to review essential skills. Plus, get hands-on practice tasks and files to apply what you’ve learned.

A core-level candidate for the Microsoft Word 2013 exam should have a fundamental understanding of the Word environment and the ability to complete tasks independently. They should know and demonstrate the correct application of the principal features of Word 2013.These candidates should be able to create and edit 2-3 page documents for a variety of purposes and situations. Examples include professional-looking reports, multi-column newsletters, résumés, and business correspondence. Candidate roles might include students, clerical workers, instructors, and others.

More information about exams

Preparing for an exam

We recommend that you review this exam preparation guide in its entirety and familiarize yourself with the resources on this website before you schedule your exam. See the Microsoft Certification exam overview for information about registration, videos of typical exam question formats, and other preparation resources. For information on exam policies and scoring, see the Microsoft Certification exam policies and FAQs.


This preparation guide is subject to change at any time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Microsoft. Microsoft exams might include adaptive testing technology and simulation items. Microsoft does not identify the format in which exams are presented. Please use this preparation guide to prepare for the exam, regardless of its format. To help you prepare for this exam, Microsoft recommends that you have hands-on experience with the product and that you use the specified training resources. These training resources do not necessarily cover all topics listed in the 'Skills measured' section.

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