The Oc Full Episodes Torrent
Posted on by admin
Deviantartist QuestionnaireHow long have you been on DeviantArt?1 Year
What does your username mean?
That i'm alone and nobody is helping me
Describe yourself in three words.
Weird, nice and nice
Are you left or right handed?
Right handed
What was your first deviation?
What is your favourite type of art to create?
If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be?
What was your first favourite?
What type of art do you tend to favourite the most?
Fan art
Who is your all-time favourite deviant artist?
Ummmm.... I don't really know
If you could meet anyone on DeviantArt in person, who would it be?
The Staff
How has a fellow deviant impacted your life?
What are your preferred tools to create art?
Pencil, Mechanical Pencil
What is the most inspirational place for you to create art?
Tumblr and Deviantart
What is your favourite DeviantArt memory?
My old account ;_;
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